Cette version comprend les modules suivants :
Gestion du fichier « Clients»
Gestion et impression des factures.
Gestion et impression des commandes clients.
Gestion et impression des devis.
Gestion et impression des notes d'envoi et des bons de livraison.
Calcul des totaux, taxes, acomptes, marges, poids.
Envoyer les documents par e-Mail
Gestion des paiements
Copie d'un document vers un autre
Impression des listes
Historique des dernières ventes
Gestion du fichier Produits
La version Evolution est destinée aux indépendants ou petites entreprises
qui facturent des prestations et des produits mais qui ne désirent pas
gérer leur stock.
L'utilisateur a la possibilité d'évoluer vers une version supérieure sans
perdre ses données.
Multilingue : 7 langues (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Deze versie bevat de volgende modules :
Beheer klanten.
Beheer en afdrukken facturen.
Beheer bestellingen en afdrukken bestelbonnen.
Beheer en afdrukken prijsoffertes.
Beheer en afdrukken verzendingsnota's, pakbons.
Berekenen de totalen, BTW, voorschotten, winstmarges, gewichten.
Verzenden documenten per E-mail
Beheer betalingen
Documenten kopiëren naar andere documenten
Lijsten afdrukken
Historisch overzicht de laatste verkoopprijzen
Beheer producten
De versie « Evolution » is bestemd voor zelfstandigen of kleine ondernemingen
die prestaties en producten factureren met optie voorraadbeheer.
De gebruiker heeft de mogelijkheid een zwaardere versie aan te schaffen
zonder zijn gegevens te verliezen.
Meertalig : 7 talen (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Included in the Lite Version :
Customer management.
Manage and print your Invoices.
Manage and print your Orders.
Manage and print your Price offers.
Manage and print your Waybills.
Calculate Totals, Taxes, Deposit, Margin, Weight .
Sending documents by E-Mail
Payment management
Copy a document to another
Print the reports
Calculate Products Last-Prices
Product management
The Evolution version is intended for independent traders and small businesseswho
invoice for products and services but do not want to manage their inventory.
Users have the option of upgrading to a higher version without losing their
Users have the option of upgrading to a higher version without losing heir
Completely multilingual: 7 languages (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Cette version comprend les modules suivants :
Gestion du fichier « Clients»
Gestion et impression des factures.
Gestion et impression des commandes clients.
Gestion et impression des devis.
Gestion et impression des notes d'envoi et des bons de livraison.
Calcul des totaux, taxes, acomptes, marges, poids.
Gestion des paiements
Copie d'un document vers un autre
Impression des listes
Historique des dernières ventes
Gestion du fichier Produits
La version Stock Basic est destinée aux indépendants ou petites entreprises
qui facturent des prestations et des produits.
Dès cette version, il est possible de gérer le stock et de disposer d'un
inventaire permanent.
Il est également possible de déterminer des stocks d'alerte et de générer
une liste des produits à commander.
L'utilisateur a la possibilité d'évoluer vers une version supérieure sans
perdre ses données.
Multilingue : 7 langues (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Deze versie bevat de volgende modules :
Beheer klanten.
Beheer en afdrukken facturen.
Beheer bestellingen en afdrukken bestelbonnen.
Beheer en afdrukken prijsoffertes.
Beheer en afdrukken verzendingsnota's, pakbons.
Berekenen de totalen, BTW, voorschotten, winstmarges, gewichten.
Beheer betalingen
Documenten kopiëren naar andere documenten
Lijsten afdrukken
Historisch overzicht de laatste verkoopprijzen
Beheer producten
De versie « Stock Basic » is bestemd voor zelfstandigen of kleine ondernemingen
die prestaties en producten factureren.
Met deze versie is het mogelijk de voorraad te beheren en over een permanente
inventaris te beschikken.
De mogelijkheid bestaat eveneens om een "stock alarm" in te stellen en
een lijst te genereren met producten die moeten besteld worden.De gebruiker
heeft de mogelijkheid een zwaardere versie aan te schaffen zonder zijn
gegevens te verliezen.
De gebruiker heeft de mogelijkheid een zwaardere versie aan te schaffen
zonder zijn gegevens te verliezen.
Meertalig : 7 talen (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Included in the Stock basic Version :
Customer management.
Manage and print your Invoices.
Manage and print your Orders.
Manage and print your Price offers.
Manage and print your Waybills.
Calculate Totals, Taxes, Deposit, Margin, Weight .
Payment management
Copy a document to another
Print the reports
Calculate Products Last-Prices
Product management
The Basic Stock version is intended for independent traders and small businesses
who invoice for products and services.
Using this version, it is possible to manage stock and create a permanent
It is also possible to establish buffer inventories and generate a list
of products to be ordered.
Users have the option of upgrading to a higher version without losing their
Users have the option of upgrading to a higher version without losing heir
Completely multilingual: 7 languages (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Cette version comprend les modules suivants :
Gestion du fichier « Clients»
Gestion et impression des factures.
Gestion et impression des commandes clients.
Gestion et impression des devis.
Gestion et impression des notes d'envoi et des bons de livraison.
Calcul des totaux, taxes, acomptes, marges, poids.
Gestion des taxes Recupel, Reprobel, Auvibel, Bebat, Accises.
Envoyer les documents par e-Mail
Gestion des paiements
Copie d'un document vers un autre
Impression des listes
Historique des dernières ventes
Gestion du fichier Produits
La version Premium est destinée aux indépendants ou entreprises qui
facturent des prestations et des produits et surtout qui désirent progresser
rapidement et confortablement grâce à l'assistance téléphonique incluse.
Dès cette version, il est possible de gérer le stock et de disposer d'un
inventaire permanent.
Il est également possible de déterminer des stocks d'alerte et de générer
une liste des produits à commander.
Dans la gestion des journaux, il est possible de paramétrer une mise en
page et un fonctionnement spécifique au type de document.
Il y a une gestion des taux de TVA pour une facturation nationale, intracommunautaire,
extra communautaire, co-contractant et des comptes généraux ( plan comptable
) pour une éventuelle liaison avec une comptabilité.
La recherche avancée multicritères permet de gérer la localisation des
produits et permet une classification très poussée grâce au champs additionnels.
Cette recherche avancée permet de retrouver vos clients par une recherche
sur la plupart des champs présents dans sa fiche y compris les champs
La recherche avancée permet de retrouver des documents par le montant
total (matching) ou acompte TTC ou HT, par mot-clef, référence paiement.
Dès cette version, vous disposez d'un historique des clients par produits,
des produits par clients.Dès la version Premium, vous disposez d'un système
de gestion des impayés et d'un générateur de lettres de rappel automatique
( trois niveaux de rappels, textes paramétrables )
Tous les documents (offres de prix, factures, commandes fournisseurs)
peuvent être envoyées par email.
L'utilisateur a la possibilité d'évoluer vers une version supérieure sans
perdre ses données.
Multilingue : 7 langues (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Deze versie bevat de volgende modules :
Beheer klanten.
Beheer en afdrukken facturen.
Beheer bestellingen en afdrukken bestelbonnen.
Beheer en afdrukken prijsoffertes.
Beheer en afdrukken verzendingsnota's, pakbons.
Berekenen de totalen, BTW, voorschotten, winstmarges, gewichten.
Beheervergoedingen Recupel Reprobel, Auvibel, Bebat, accijnzen.
Verzenden documenten per E-mail
Beheer betalingen
Documenten kopiëren naar andere documenten
Lijsten afdrukken
Historisch overzicht de laatste verkoopprijzen
Beheer producten
De versie « Premium» is bestemd voor zelfstandigen of ondernemingen die
prestaties en producten factureren, en die vooral snel en comfortabel
willen vooruitgaan dankzij een telefonische assistentie en opleiding.
Vanaf deze versie is het mogelijk uw voorraad te beheren en te beschikken
over een permanente inventaris.
De mogelijkheid bestaat eveneens om een "stock alarm" in te stellen en
een lijst te genereren met producten die moeten besteld worden.In deze
versie is het beheer BTW-codes voor nationale, intracommunautaire,
extra communautaire en co-contractant facturatiepakket en facturatieprogramma
voorzien, en er bestaan algemene rekeningen (boekhouding) voor een eventuele
link met uw boekhouding.
De geavanceerde zoekfunctie met meerdere criteria laat toe de lokalisatie
producten te beheren en een zeer diepgaande rangschikking toe te passen
a.d.h.v. additionele velden.
U vindt snel uw klanten terug met de geavanceerde zoekfunctie a.d.h.v.
de aanwezige velden in de klantenfiche en de additionele velden.De geavanceerde
zoekfunctie laat toe documenten terug te vinden a.d.h.v. het totaal bedrag
("matching") of betaling incl. BTW of excl. BTW, trefwoord, betalingsreferentie.Vanaf
deze versie beschikt u over een historiek 'klanten per product' en
'producten per klant'.
Vanaf de versie Premium beschikt u over een systeem voor het beheer
niet-betalers en een automatisch systeem voor het genereren aanmaningsbrieven
(3 niveaus, teksten te parameteriseren).Alle documenten (prijsoffertes,
facturen, bestelbonnen) kunnen verzonden worden via e-mail.
De gebruiker heeft de mogelijkheid een zwaardere versie aan te schaffen
zonder zijn gegevens te verliezen.
Meertalig : 7 talen (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Included in the Premium Version :
Customer management.
Manage and print your Invoices.
Manage and print your Orders.
Manage and print your Price offers.
Manage and print your Waybills.
Calculate Totals, Taxes, Deposit, Margin, Weight.
Management fees Recupel Reprobel, Auvibel, Bebat, Excise
Sending documents by E-Mail
Payment management
Copy a document to another
Print the reports
Calculate Products Last-Prices
Product management
The Premium version is intended for independent traders or businesses who
invoice for products and services and, above all, wish to progress quickly
and easily thanks to the inclusive telephone assistance service.
Using this version, it is possible to manage stock and create a permanent
It is also possible to establish buffer inventories and generate a list
of products to be ordered.
In managing the ledgers, it is possible to set parameters for layouts and
operations specific to the document type.
There is a function for managing VAT rates for national, intra-community,
extra-community, co-contractor and general accounts invoicing (accounts
plan) or any eventual link with accounting.
The multi-criteria advanced search function allows users to manage product
localisation and allows highly advanced listings using the additional fields.
The advanced search function allows users to find customers using most of
the fields on the form, including the additional fields.
The advanced search function allows users to find documents by total sum
(matching), deposits inclusive or excluding all taxes, keyword, payment
Software for billing, using this version, users have a history of customers per product, or products
per customer.
Using the Premium version, users have a system for managing unpaid invoices
and an automatic reminder generator (three levels of reminder, adaptable
text)All documents (price offers, supplier orders) can be sent by e-mail
In the business software accounting, users have the option of upgrading to a higher version without losing heir
Completely multilingual: 7 languages (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Cette version comprend les modules suivants :
Gestion du fichier « Clients»
Gestion et impression des factures.
Gestion et impression des commandes clients.
Gestion et impression des devis.
Gestion et impression des notes d'envoi et des bons de livraison.
Calcul des totaux, taxes, acomptes, marges, poids.
Gestion des taxes Recupel, Reprobel, Auvibel, Bebat, Accises.
Envoyer les documents par e-Mail
Gestion des paiements
Copie d'un document vers un autre
Impression des listes
Historique des dernières ventes
Gestion du fichier Produits
La version Advanced dispose des mêmes caractéristiques que la version
Premium et permet en plus de gérer :
La gestion d'ensemble de produits ( Package )
Le calcul des marges bénéficiaires et imprimer des graphiques.
Le réseau de base ( 2 utilisateurs ) est inclus.
La feuille de caisse et le récapitulatif des paiements.
La gestion des Back-Order ( Relicats, picking list )
La formation "Easy For You" ( 1h )
Le générateur automatique de commandes fournisseur.
Le correcteur de références produits et clients. L'exportation les listes
vers un fichier MS Excell ( XLS )
A partir de cette version vous pouvez connecter le module d'E-Commerce.
L'utilisateur a la possibilité d'évoluer vers une version supérieure sans
perdre ses données.
Multilingue : 7 langues (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Deze versie bevat de volgende modules :
Beheer klanten.
Beheer en afdrukken facturen.
Beheer bestellingen en afdrukken bestelbonnen.
Beheer en afdrukken prijsoffertes.
Beheer en afdrukken verzendingsnota's, pakbons.
Berekenen de totalen, BTW, voorschotten, winstmarges, gewichten.
Beheervergoedingen Recupel Reprobel, Auvibel, Bebat, accijnzen.
Verzenden documenten per E-mail
Beheer betalingen
Documenten kopiëren naar andere documenten
Lijsten afdrukken
Historisch overzicht de laatste verkoopprijzen
Beheer producten
De versie " Advanced " beschikt over dezelfde karakteristieken als de
versie "Premium" en biedt volgende extra functionaliteiten:
Het beheer een groep producten (package)
Het berekenen winstmarges en afdrukken grafieken
Basisnetwerk (2 gebruikers)
Kasregister en overzicht de betalingen
Het beheer nabestellingen (backorders, picking list)
Opleiding "EasyForYou" (1 uur)
Automatisch aanmaken leverancierbestelbonnenCorrector producten- en
Export lijsten naar MS Excel (XLS-files)
Vanaf deze versie kan u de module " E-Commerce " aansluiten.
De gebruiker heeft de mogelijkheid een zwaardere versie aan te schaffen
zonder zijn gegevens te verliezen.
Meertalig : 7 talen (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Included in this Version :
Customer management.
Manage and print your Invoices.
Manage and print your Orders.
Manage and print your Price offers.
Manage and print your Waybills.
Calculate Totals, Taxes, Deposit, Margin, Weight.
Management fees Recupel Reprobel, Auvibel, Bebat, Excise
Sending documents by E-Mail
Payment management
Copy a document to another
Print the reports
Calculate Products Last-Prices
Product management
The Advanced version has the same characteristics as the Premium version,
and also allows users to:
Manage product packages.
Calculate profit margins and print graphics.
The basic network (2 users) is included.
Manage till forms and the summary of payments.
Manage back orders (remainders, picking list).
Complete the 'Easy For You' training (1 hour).
Generate automatic supplier orders.
Correct product and customer references.
Export lists to MS Excel (XLS).
Using this version, users can connect to the E-Commerce module.
Users have the option of upgrading to a higher version without losing heir
Completely multilingual: 7 languages (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Cette version comprend les modules suivants :
Gestion du fichier « Clients»
Gestion et impression des factures.
Gestion et impression des commandes clients.
Gestion et impression des devis.
Gestion et impression des notes d'envoi et des bons de livraison.
Calcul des totaux, taxes, acomptes, marges, poids.
Gestion des taxes Recupel, Reprobel, Auvibel, Bebat, Accises.
Envoyer les documents par e-Mail
Gestion des paiements
Copie d'un document vers un autre
Impression des listes
Historique des dernières ventes
Gestion du fichier Produits
La version Pro dispose des mêmes caractéristiques que la version
Advanced et permet en plus de gérer:
Un réseau de 5 utilisateurs.
Une gestion des catégories de produits.
Des produits composés.
La gestion des limites de crédits.
La gestion des mesures pour les produits.
L'archivage des documents.
Les calculs des prix de ventes dégressifs en fonction des quantités.
La gestion des produits par n° de séries ou de lots.
Le regroupement automatique des documents ou La gestion et impression
des codes-barres.
Multilingue : 7 langues (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Deze versie bevat de volgende modules :
Beheer klanten.
Beheer en afdrukken facturen.
Beheer bestellingen en afdrukken bestelbonnen.
Beheer en afdrukken prijsoffertes.
Beheer en afdrukken verzendingsnota's, pakbons.
Berekenen de totalen, BTW, voorschotten, winstmarges, gewichten.
Beheervergoedingen Recupel Reprobel, Auvibel, Bebat, accijnzen.
Verzenden documenten per E-mail
Beheer betalingen
Documenten kopiëren naar andere documenten
Lijsten afdrukken
Historisch overzicht de laatste verkoopprijzen
Beheer producten
De versie " Pro " beschikt over dezelfde karakteristieken als de versie
"Advanced" en biedt volgende extra functionaliteiten:
Een netwerk voor 5 gebruikersHet beheer producten per categorie.
Het beheer samengestelde producten
Het beheer kredietlimietenHet beheer productafmetingen
Het archiveren documenten
De berekening degressieve verkoopprijzen in functie hoeveelheden
Het beheer producten per serienummer of per lot
Het automatisch hergroeperen documentenHet beheer en afdrukken
Meertalig : 7 talen (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Included in this Version :
Customer management.
Manage and print your Invoices.
Manage and print your Orders.
Manage and print your Price offers.
Manage and print your Waybills.
Calculate Totals, Taxes, Deposit, Margin, Weight.
Management fees Recupel Reprobel, Auvibel, Bebat, Excise
Sending documents by E-Mail
Payment management
Copy a document to another
Print the reports
Calculate Products Last-Prices
Product management
The Pro version has the same characteristics as the Advanced version, and
also allows users to:
Manage a network of 5 users.
Manage a product category.
Manage compound products.
Manage credit limits.
Manage product measurements.
Save documents.
Calculate degressive sales prices in relation to quantities.
Manage products by serial or batch number.
Automatically group documents.
Manage and print bar codes.
Completely multilingual: 7 languages (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT)
Gestion de stock, gestion commerciale, inventaire magasin et facturation.
formation logiciel, progiciel d'economat pour la gestion des achats, des
stocks et de la facturation, gestion des commandes par intranet, ainsi
qu'un service pour comparer les prix fournisseurs.
Télécharger et testez la version Lite !
You can use the Lite version (*) and without time restriction.
Why EasyForYou?
(EAVA) Because, the first month, the Lite version is delivered All-Options, this
which allows you to easily evaluate the different modules and compose
thus your optimal solution. Included in the Lite version: Management
a customer & supplier file. Management of a product file. Generate
and print invoices, price quotes, dispatch notes, purchase orders.
Automatic calculation of totals, taxes, down payments, profit margins,
weight . With, create a document = only 6 clicks Compose and print
an invoice or any other document in just six mouse clicks. Management
back-orders (relicates). Easy For You is fully MODULAR! To buy
only the modules you need, this allows you to optimize
the purchase price of your commercial management. You can adapt the
program possibilities according to your budget.
EFYPAYMENT, the best software, invoicing software package manages PAYMENTS
Payment management allows you to see documents that are not
paid and debit balance customers formats and sends its documents in
HTML by E-Mail! With a simple click, Easy generates all the documents (orders,
invoices, offers etc.) in HTML format and sending by E-Mail. find
the last price ! When selling a product, Easy displays the latest
price charged for the customer in question. When purchasing a product, Easy
displays the last price charged by the supplier. calculate them
MARGINS profit! When encoding products in a document,
Easy calculates the detailed profit margin of the product as well as the margin
of all the products in the document. can be managed remotely
via Internet ! is a program entirely based on the Client-Server system.
From a secure Internet connection, the user can access
at any time to this information. manages the specific TAXES. calculated
automatically the Recupel, Reprobel, etc. taxes. manages COMPOSES products
Stock management and commercial management can operate on the basis of
Compound or Manufactured Products manages and calculates commissions to sellers.
Easy allows you to enter a percentage of commissions per product and
by seller. A list allows you to calculate and view instantly
commissions per seller and per product or customer. has a planner
number of tasks The task planner allows you to generate and print automatically
documents such as: invoices for subscriptions, maintenance contracts,
web hosting, etc ... And this periodically (daily, weekly,
monthly, quarterly, annually) for a selection of customers or suppliers
according to specific criteria. Easy For You EXISTS since 1992! is
marketed in DOS version since 1992 and is now available
in Windows version. Cheaper and easier to use than others
software. Other similar software: ciel, cubic,
popsy, datafac, sage, sesam, casio, winbooks. software, firmware
custom billing and stewardship bar codes ean13, 39. Namur,
liege, Charleroi, Mons, Dilbeek, Brussels, Belgium, France, Nederland barcodes
ean13, 39
Customized programming, stock management, stock management, web site design 02/07/2022
Correction of the store inventory software on 12/15/2021
Last update of EAVA inventory management 02/18/2022
Training on sales and software management in France, software invoicing software 01/31/2022
Exhibition billing stock management and packbon software in the Netherlands (Holland) on date 02/01/2022
transfer to popsy compta software accounting software from 12/29/2021
training on transfer to the accounting software Ciel Compta France software from 02/17/2022
barcodes ean13 the accounting software Cubic Belgium software from 01/19/2022
training transfer to accounting software Bob software 01/09/2022
Implementation of the management functions of economat France 12/22/2021
Website creation (websites), tailor-made ASP programming (store inventories) 02/15/2022
Latest update and training on stock and inventory management software as of 01/25/2022
Latest update the invoicing package and invoicing program, stock management, training stock management software on date 01/15/2022
Release of the new version of the invoicing software on 01/15/2022
New version from the invoice (invoicing) software and billing management date from 02/22/2022
Latest update of the invoicing, store inventory and sales management software on 12/10/2021
We work on the stock control and inventory software to make it compatible with android on date 12/15/2021
New version from the invoice (invoicing) and billing management software compatible with the new google operating system android date from 03/01/2022
New update 08/12/2021 update fakturierung Nederland, invoing and bill management software on date 24/01/2022
Invoicing, store inventory and stock management software exhibition and fair on 11/29/2021
New version of the invoicing program and inventory stock management training and packing slip software The Netherlands on date 12/14/2021
Business Software International BVBA (BSI) was recently declared firm 12/21/2021
New EAVA Management including the management of backorders France 13/29/11/2021 released on 02/01/2022
Even, Last update the software stock management, invoicing package inventory and packing slips Netherlands on date 02/07/2022
Correction of the stock management software on date 01/07/2022
The Belgian dutch business software accounting software for billing (Flemish) Holland software inventory management basic version to be tested. Indeed, you can use the basic version (*) without time limitation. The basic version "Full-Options" was delivered for the first month, which gives you a full evaluation permits the different modules. Included in the Lite Version : invoicing software Customer and supplier management Product management Document management with printing invoices, price offers, shipping notes, order forms. Calculate the totals, VAT, advances, profit margins, weights. An format document with question only 6 clicks Format and print invoices and other documents in just 6 mouse clicks. contains different MODULES. Only buy the modules you need, so you can you get a tailor-made program for a low price. You can adjust the program according to your budget. The stock management manages PAYMENTS The payment management allows at any time the unpaid documents (invoices) or the debtors to visualize format and send are documents by E-Mail (html). stock management stock management. Indeed, with a simple click, Easy generates all documents (orders, invoices, quotations,.) in HTML format and send them by E-Mail. Easy finds the LAST PRICE back. When a product is sold, Easy shows you the latest price applied to the person in question. When buying a product Easy shows you the latest price that billing package software applied was provided by the supplier. calculate the profit margins. While entering the products in a document Easy calculates the detailed profit margin the product. The average profit margin is also calculated.invoicing software Because can be managed remotely via INTERNET ! Indeed, Easy is a program completely based on the Client-Server system. Because it manages the special TAXES. automatically calculates the Recupel, Reprobel taxes etc. manages the composite products. Stock management can function/work based on composite or manufactured products. calculate the commission to the sellers. allows you the percentage of commission per product and input per seller. stock management.Dilbeek, Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent. A stock management list allows you to calculate the commissions per seller and product or customer to calculate and visualize. includes a task scheduler. The Task Scheduler allows to generate and print documents automatically such as : invoices for subscriptions, invoices for maintenance, invoicing software web hosting, etc. And this periodically (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually) for a selection of customers or suppliers depending on specific specifications.de stock management has been around since 1992 ! A DOS version Easy was commercialized in 1992 and is now available in Windows version.
Info voor datafak gebruikers
Business Software International BVBA (BSI) werd onlangs failliet verklaard.
Zie staatsblad 3/10/07 (p78).
Stock control and bill management. The Lite version is FREE The Lite version will also allow you to use the "full options" for a period of one month after installation.TBYB (TRY BEFORE YOU BUY) This allows You to evaluate the different packages After the first month, the Lite version can be used for free (*) without any time restriction, but will only support a limited set of packages: Included in the Lite Version : Database management for your customers and suppliers. Database for your products. The possibility to compose and print invoices, quotations and order forms. Calculate totals, taxes, profit margins and shipping weight. (*) The downloadable version is free. (*) We can also send you the Lite version on a CD, for a price of $12.10, + shipping. With , you need only 6 Click to create a new document The possibility to compose and print an invoice or any other document with only six mouse clicks.barcodes ean13 Inventory software has different Packages You only have to buy the package you need, so you can customize the program for your own needs. You can limit the cost by purchasing only what you need and what your budget can support. manages payments The payment management features give you real time information about unpaid invoices and customers debit balance. formats and sends its documents by E-Mail (HTML) . With a simple click converts any document (orders, invoices, price-offers,.) into HTML and sends it by E-mail to your collaborators, customers, or suppliers. finds the LAST PRICE! With the sale of a product, will find the last price charged for the product to the customer in question. With the purchase of a product, will inform you of the last price charged by the supplier.Inventory software calculates your profit margin. During the encoding of products into a document, Easy calculates itemized profit margins for each product, as well as the average margin for all the products in the document. can be managed at distance via the INTERNET ! Inventory software is entirely based on the Client-Server system, which gives you complete control from anywhere in the world, via a standard internet connection. manages the import-export tax. State Tax and VAT rates can be adapted. manages assembled products The stock management functions can handle assembled or manufactured products goods.Inventory software manages commissions to sales personnel allows you to define a spacific commission percentage specific to each product and sales person. You can also get real time commission reports, sorted by sales person, product, or customer. contains a task scheduler The task scheduler lets you automatically generate and print documents such as: invoices for subscriptions, contracts, Web-Hosting... and this can be done periodically for a specific selection of customers or suppliers And this, periodically (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually) for a specific selection of customers or suppliers. has been in use since 1992!Inventory software A DOS version of Easy has been marketed since 1992. A New version is now available for the Windows operating system. Los autónomos y las empresas modernas de hoy usan nuestro programa de gestión comercial; un programa que incluyen funcionalidades de gestión de existencias y de facturación. Nuestro software también le ofrece capacidades para elaborar documentos (facturas, notas de entrega, notas de crédito, ofertas, pedidos). Una solución inmejorable para su negocio. Puede bajar Easy For You, nuestro programa que ofrece soluciones completas de contabilidad con una impresionante base de datos Access. Easy For You también le abre perspectivas nuevas para la gestión de su caja diaria y para un arqueo fidedigno, así como funciones de impresión de códigos de barras. Nuestro programa está diseñado para evolucionar al compás de sus actividades mediante un abanico de módulos que permite atender las diferentes necesidades de todos nuestros clientes en España y en el resto del mundo. Este programa de contabilidad, gestión de facturas y gestión de existencias es uno de los mejores productos del mercado profesional internacional. La actualización y la mejora constante de nuestros productos nos permite ofrecerle la garantía de trabajar con herramientas punta en un sector en pleno desarrollo. Nuestro programa de contabilidad funciona con Windows y es compatible con todas las versiones. Además, también es posible trabajar en una red local. Puede facturar albaranes, imprimir listados de pedidos, balances de sumas, registro de IVA, balance de situación, libro de pedidos. Este programa soporta la lectura e impresión de códigos de barras; cobros con tarjetas de crédito o sea un sistema sencillo, rápido y potente a la vez. Estas son algunas de sus características: control de vencimientos, asientos de compras y ventas, impresión de listados, cierre de caja diario, gestión de existencias, gestión y control del stock codes barres ean13, 39. Création de site internet interactif